Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Resistor Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Resistor - Lab Report Example Current is constant in a series circuit while voltage is constant in a parallel circuit (ANWAR, HALL, PRASAD and ROFFEY,1998). Voltage is defines as the measure of the potential difference between two terminals in an electric circuit or electric apparatus. Current is defined as the flowing charge in an electric circuit or electric apparatus. Resistance is the measure of the tendency of an electric apparatus to hinder electric charge from flowing through a given circuit (NAHVI and EDMINISTER 2004). A series circuit is one in which the positive terminal is connected to the negative terminal of the circuit. Any gap that is induced in a series circuit, by say the break-down of a given apparatus in the circuit hampers electric charge from flowing in the entire series circuit. A parallel circuit is one in which at some terminals of the circuit, positive terminals are connected to other positive terminals and negative terminals are connected to other negative terminals. In this regard, a gap introduced at a given point of the circuit does not get the electric flow of charge in the entire circuit to stop. In a series circuit, the current at any point of the circuit is the same for the whole circuit. This is unlike the case in a parallel circuit where the current at one point of the circuit is not necessarily the same as the current in the other points of the circuit (SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR CHILDREN, NATIONAL SCIENCE RESOURCES CENTER, NATIONAL ACADEMIES and SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 2004). The voltage in a parallel connection is limited to that of the smallest voltage source connected in the circuit. On the contrary, in a series connection, the voltage of the circuit is determined by the number of the individual voltage sources connected. The more they are connected, the higher the circuit voltage gets. Kirchhoff’s 1st law implies that the sum of all the current that is entering a given point or

Monday, October 28, 2019

Gangs of Youth Essay Example for Free

Gangs of Youth Essay Tattoos, graffiti in the walls, foul language, drugs, guns and violence are the most popular notions for â€Å"street gangs†. Street gangs are prevalent ever since the 19th century, when there was a surge of immigrants in the United States. They are an identity, a fearful group of people who organizes a variety of delinquent activities. Though gangs have been widely used in popular culture, as observed in the invention of slang words, baggy pants, hip-hop and rap music, they are a threat to society. Gangs are not really cool as what is being portrayed in our television sets. The following questions, which were taken from GWC, Inc. [1997], provide us some ideas on how to assess whether our community or school is suffering from severe gang activity. 1. Do you have graffiti on or near your school? 2. Do you have crossed out graffiti on or near your school grounds? 3. Do your students wear colors, jewelry, clothing; flash hand signals; or display other behavior that may be gang related? 4. Are drugs available in or near your school? 5. Has there been an increase in physical confrontations or incidents of threats, abuse, or intimidation in or near your school? 6. Is there an increasing presence of weapons in your community? 7. Do students use beepers, pagers and cellular phones? 8. Has there been a drive-by shooting in your neighborhood? 9. Have you had a show-by or a display of weapons near your schools? 10. Has there been an increase in the truancy rate and/or daytime burglaries? 11. Are there an increasing number of racial incidents in your community or school? 12. Does your community have a history of gangs? 13. Is there an increasing presence of informal social groups with unusual names? If most of the answers are yes, then your community or school is definitely in need for an effective gang prevention program. But before doing so, I will first discuss about the proliferation of street gangs, its history and its impact to the society especially to the youth. I will also provide recent reports on the current statistics in some areas; then I can now dwell on the useful measures on how to fight and avoid gang activity. What are gangs? The Children’s Health Encyclopedia [n. d. ] mentioned that there are a couple of definitions of gangs, specifically, youth gangs. In general, they are a â€Å"loosely-organized association† who were formerly alienated by the society. They are headed informally by a leader. The members are usually between ages 12 to 24 and they have a gang name to identify themselves. The members of the gang share something in common in them. Usually they have the same race or ethnicity, same social class or some characteristic that are usually defined by some form of a symbol, usually represented by tattoos, graffiti, clothing or even hand signals. According to Safe Youth [2007], gangs are most of the time male-dominated and have their own territory. Such male members have experienced a loss of a male figure at home. For females, they often participate in gang activity during family crisis or drug addiction. They have been characterized to be run-away-from-home youths. Moreover, another characteristic of these gangs is that they may either be a subsidiary of a larger group of gangs. Some gang organizations have their respective mother groups whom they share similar attributes and culture. It is also common for such gangs to have their own set of rules and codes of conduct. Some even have weird rituals of their own. They treat each other as kin or family; since in the first place, they were formed because they felt some kind of alienation with their respective lives. Gangs can compensate and nurture the members a sense of belongingness. They also can gain power and influence especially when they cooperate to fight for their own endeavors. They gain confidence and self-worth especially when gang members are promised to be given protection or better yet a higher social status. They do organized crime activities in order to get what they want. These activities are violent and nature and such can threaten a lot of lives. According to the U. S. Department of Justice, groups must be involved in criminal acts before they are deemed to be called as gangs. Such acts, according to Johnson and Muhlhausen [2005], can vary from extortion, robbery, smuggling, drug trafficking, arms trafficking, and defending their territory. Basically, there a two types of gangs, city and urban/rural gangs [Green, 1999]. In cities, gangs are situated in a particular â€Å"turf† or â€Å"hood†, unlike in urban/rural areas, gangs are dispersed and some needed to travel in order to be with their members. According to Green [1999], there three indicators of gangs: saggin’, flaggin’, and braggin’. Sagging is manner of dressing. Gangsters are usually wearing loose clothes like baggy pants and caps that are tilted in a different manner. Some gangs have a unique style, which makes them distinct from other gangs like hairdos and leather jackets. Flagging is the show of colors. Gangs have a branding color which represents them. Last is bragging, which is self-explanatory. They brag about being gangsters though they are very secretive about their activities. History Johnson and Muhlhausen [2005] stated in their paper, â€Å"North American Transnational Youth Gangs: Breaking the Chain of Violence† that youth gangs can be traced even as far as the end of American Revolution. They said that such violence was heightened during the immigration and population shifts during the early 1800s, 1920s, 1960s and in the latter 1990s. Though in Europe, gangs are already popular in the 14th Century. It was reported in the 1999 National Youth Gang Survey that gangs in the United States are composed of 47 percent Hispanic members, 31 percent African-Americans, 13 percent Caucasian, 7 percent Asian and 3 percent others. These can traced from the 10 to 12 million undocumented Hispanic aliens in 1970s and 1990s. The most popular Hispanic groups are Calle 18 and Mara Salvatrucha. They were the first gangs to accept members from other nationalities as well as recruit outside their own territory. Outside means that even the youth, as young as elementary and middle schools are involved in the use of weapons, stealing money and selling drugs. The GWC, Inc. [1997] believed that gangs use children because if ever they are caught, they will not go to jail. It was also said by Johnson and Muhlhausen [2005] that during the 19th century, Irish and Italian street gangs were greatly concentrated in the East Coast cities, while African-American gangs were mostly in Los Angeles especially during the 1960s and 1970s. When you migrate, most probably the neighborhood the family is exposed are much disorganized, thus leading to exposure to crimes and gang activities. Statistics As shown by the GWC, Inc. ’s Gang Guide [1997], the FBI thinks that there are around 400,000 youths who are members of gangs in the United States. Moreover, the Journal of American Medical Association believes that 94 percent are active gangs in the cities. Such cities according to the American Street Gang can include up to 40 different gangs. In the Children’s Health Encyclopedia, in between the years 1996and 2001, over 90 percent of the largest cities in America are reported to have gang activities in their area. Between 1998 and 1999, it was studied that there was a 27 percent increase in gang membership in the suburban areas while 29 percent in rural areas. Gangs do not only involve the minorities like the Latinos or the African-American, all nationalities or ethnic groups, despite economic class and geographical setting are highly involved in gangs. Earlier we said that males dominate that gangs and females are only involved usually when she experiences family problems and had run away from home. It was discovered by A. Campbell in his research that female gang members have experience a larger risk in gang membership. According to Johnson and Muhlhausen [2005], the reported gang activity in 1970 was 270, by 1998, it increased by whopping 800 percent with 2,500 cities. In a comparative study of gang members and youths-at-risk in Cleveland, it was found that 44. 7 percent of gang members were reported to committing auto theft, as compared to 4. 1 percent of non-members. Moreover, 40. 4 percent of gang members said that they have participated in â€Å"drive-by shootings†, while only 2. 0 percent of non-members have done so. Furthermore, 34. 0 of gang members have been reported to intimidate or assault crime victims or witnesses, compared to none from the non-members. 72. 3 percent of gang members acknowledged that they have assaulted rivals, compared to 16. 3 percent. More so, 17. 0 percent of gang members have committed robbery compared to 2. 0 percent of non-members. We can conclude in this study that being involved in gangs exposes one to be more at-risk even greater than those who are already at-risk yet non-members of gangs. According to Safe Youth [2007], recent studies reveal that member of youth gangs join before they reach 18 years old. In contrast to the notion of the public, such members do not commit to a long-term membership. In a span of one year, only one-half to two-thirds remain in their gang. To heighten our claim earlier that gang members are more at-risk than at-risk non-members, Howell and Decker [1999] revealed that youth gang members have higher drug usage rate than non-gang members. Moreover, Battin-Pearson, et al. [1998] said that delinquency rates are higher for gang members, which includes the use of illegal drugs, display of violent behavior and even the rate of being arrested. Between 1989 and 1995, it was reported by the United States Departments of Education and Justice that the percentage of gang activity doubled. This heightens the strong correlation of gangs with the proliferation of guns and drugs inside the school campuses. However, there is contradiction with the study. Chandler, et al. [1996] believed that gangs have not been the cause of victimization inside the schools although it was found to contribute to the dangerous atmosphere. Presence of gangs in school has even brought protection to students who are part of the minority groups. It was reported in the 2002 and 2003 National Youth Gang Surveys that 4 out of 10 large cities in the United States have experienced 10 or more gang homicides [Egley, 2005]. In Los Angeles and Chicaga, half of the reported 1,000 homicides were gang related. This also implies a frequent use of firearms. Risk Factors In the study of Johnson and Muhlhausen [2005], if the following risk factors increase, it was believed that the youth has higher probability of joining a gang: marginal neighborhoods, family, academic problems, peer groups, drugs and violence. Marginal Neighborhoods involve a more dangerous environment and most of these neighborhoods are highly exposed to drugs. Johnson and Muhlhausen [2005] said that those who are living in these neighborhood are thrice more likely to join gangs. More so, such neighborhoods who are highly exposed to drugs like Marijuana, youths are 3. 6 likely to join a gang. Youths with families headed by a single-parent are 2. 4 more likely to join gangs than those families who are headed by a complete set of parents. As mentioned earlier, those males who missed a father figure will seek out such companionship in gangs. More so, with a broken family, it is much easier for a child to acquire belongingness and love from a gang. However, as long as families promote violence, and there is low parental care and love in the family, a youth will be highly misguided, leading to gang membership. Academic problems lead to higher gang membership because as already mentioned earlier; gangs can lift low self-esteem individuals. Since academic failure contributes to low self-esteem, such youth are 3. 6 times more prone to join the gangs. When there is low commitment to study in school, a child is more likely to join a gang, since it can mean that he or she prefers other activities. Such activities as we know can be more violent in nature, and may or may not be done within the school premises. Peer groups are great motivators for the youth to join a gang. When you have friends who are members of such gangs, you are also twice as likely to join too. Peer pressure is sometimes very hard to resist because friendships are broken if you cannot do a favor for a friend. We know that people do need companionship especially in school and it is difficult if we do not have friends around. They are a source of protection as well. Drugs and violence can evidently trigger gang membership. Youths who already use Marijuana, are 3. 7 times more prone to join gangs. This is definitely true since where else can you get such drugs but from those gangs. To be able to get it easier, one should join them. Moreover, it was revealed that if the youth has been engaged in a violent behavior before, they are 3. 1 time more prone to join the gangs. Lonnie Jackson [1998], the author of Gangbusters: Strategies for prevention and intervention also provided a list of risk factors. It includes again the exposure to crime and violence during the â€Å"formative years†. Role models from a particular ethnic group can also increase the likelihood to gang involvement. It also includes lack of parental control. Moreover, the lack of equal economic opportunities can also be the reason for gang involvement. The lack of â€Å"social and recreational activities† for the children, few employment opportunities and unmet employment qualifications and skills can trigger gang involvement. Youth enticed to power, money and drugs are evidently more likely to join these gangs. Immediate gratification is very attractive for some youths and this encourages them to join the gangs. Moreover the lack of sense of belongingness and security, as well as powerlessness will lead the youth to those gangs. Another source of gang influence would be the popular media. Though there is no substantive evidence, violence seen in films, even song lyrics from hip-hop or rap music can increase pressure in joining gangs since gang life are usually being portrayed with such glamour and power that even kids imitate them. Kids these days are dressing up like gangsters even though they are not, and it can be reason why they join gangs. They think it so cool. Impact of Gangs in Schools Gangs in school will obviously increase the violence in schools, though we cannot directly blame the gang members for them. According to Trump [1993], students enrolled in schools with evident gang presence are twice more likely to fear of being victims of violence, than those whose schools without gangs. In an interview of Boyle [1992], he said that gang members perceive schools as evils and forms of incarceration. They see school as a place for gathering and hosting violent activities. What is worse is that, even gang members who are already suspended or kicked out from school can be found in the campus with their fellow gang mates. They use school as a form of a hang-out place rather than a place for learning. Burnett and Walz [1994] said that gangs can broaden its reach even influencing the youth in gang-free schools, causing a wider influence and greater involvement in criminal activities. According to Chandler et al. [1998], youth gangs are correlated with issues in delinquency especially during elementary and secondary schools. The National Center for Education Statistics [2005] have reported that most students in urban schools are most probably report the existence of street gangs in their school with 31 percent, compared to suburban students and rural students with 18 percent and 12 percent respectively. According to Thompkins [2000], security officers, security cameras, and even metal detectors can serve as a means of deterrence, yet these causes fear among the people on school, knowing that such security was brought about by the heightening of gang activity in the school. Impact of Gangs on its Participants Most of the gang members are already involved in delinquent acts even during the time that they are not still members of the gang [Burnett and Walz, 1994]. Most likely, such delinquent acts will be heightened. They will be frequently involved in drug abuse, as well as violence against their neighbor and a lot more. There are many consequences of being involved in such gangs. If ever they do not follow the rules of their gang leaders, most likely they will be victims as well, facing more punishments than those who are non-members. Also, if the gangs were discovered, they can be arrested and put into detention. When they grow up, they can be put into prison. Gang life distorts a lot of healthy relationships especially if it is for long term. The gangs have so much power over their members and can limit their own capacities. It can deprive them their own ambitions and aspirations. They bring chaos to the community and it can break families. It is more likely to happen that a youth can be dropped out early in school. When this happens, there is less chance for the child to be employable in the future, thus increasing unemployment rate together with crime rate. Moreover, it can also bring about early pregnancy or teen motherhood, which brings about an unstable family and lack of parental care. We already discussed earlier that such families are more likely to produce delinquent children. Thus, we see a cycle going on in here. If you expose your child to an unstable environment, most likely, he or she will carry it in the future. Economic impact of youth gangs There are in fact economic costs associated to youth gangs just like any other crimes. Medical expenses are actually large, especially to those who were victimized. In a year, $655 billion are spent in the United States because of crimes and it was believed that a huge amount can be attributed to gangs [Fight Crime: Invest in kids, 2004]. In Los Angeles Hospital trauma center, it was revealed that $5 million was spent to the 272 gang-related gunshot victims. It was also reported that youth gangs turned to be entrepreneurial organizations, involving hard core drug operations in various numbers of states. An example of which is the Black Gangster Disciples Nation [Burnett and Walz, 1994]. It actually has a hierarchy with several officers with specialized jobs. They have a chairman, with board of directors who are in charge in the drug trafficking in their areas. They have regents, who are in charge in the drug supply as well as in overseeing the â€Å"drug† stores. They also have area coordinators, who are in charge in collecting revenues from several spots. They have enforcers who are like their police and punish members who cheat. Last are the shorties, or the â€Å"interns† who composes the staff in the drugs selling spots. So evidently, such gang is already very organized and they have climbed their way up because of their wider influence and power. How to fight gang activity Gang activities are very serious issues that need to be addressed. A lot of youths are being misled to another path, damages their lives, the lives of the people around them as well as their future. But, it’s never too late to pull them out of their misery and prevent those kids who are about to be victimized. The National Education Association developed a â€Å"Safe Schools Framework† in order to aid schools and communities to pinpoint the gangs in their areas [Safe Youth, 2007]. They are recommending cooperation among schools, families and communities in developing strategies in alleviating gangs in their areas, as well as promoting safety and security in the campus. We adopt three components of the framework: prevention, intervention and suppression. Under prevention, we should aim to prevent the youth in getting involved in gangs, as well as in gang-related activities. This includes heightened awareness and education of the negative consequences of joining gangs, and testimonials from former gang members discouraging them to be involved. By intervention, we mean that we create possible alternatives for the youth in terms of their after-school or extra-curricular activities. More so, we provide counseling for those who are already in trouble, and promote part-time jobs for students. By suppression, we should use adequate measures in identifying, isolation, punishing and rehabilitating criminal offenders [Safe Youth, 2007]. In order to fight the existence of gangs in the schools, we should promote policies like adapting a school uniform, implementing curfews to discourage delinquent activities at night, encouraging students to be punctual, as well as enforcing strict policies on underage drinking and bring of deadly weapons in schools. During the 1930s, the Chicago Area Project has already started in bringing about recreational activities and self-improvement campaigns in order to convert gang members [Johnson and Muhlhausen, 2005]. However, it only increased crime since they treated as gangs as a group. In other states, they have strict anti-gang laws but were not effective in enforcing laws. In states like California, Minnesota and Virginia, they have established gang task forces but it was observed that their success greatly relies on the sustainability of their efforts, a variety of strategies and strong political will. It is very difficult to do that for all the states. The U. S. Department of Justice’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention has recommended several strategies like after-school activities, dropout prevention, parent-training programs, efficient tracking of former offenders, job programs and many others. However, many failed to reduce delinquency [Johnson and Muhlhausen, 2005]. Other programs were also seen to be ineffective, like the GREAT (Gang Resistance Education and Training) which used police as instructors in schools on the dangers of gang participation. During their evaluation, the program has no significant effect on gang membership [Johnson and Muhlhausen, 2005]. Moreover, the on-the-job training provided by the Department of Labor had produced counterintuitive results. Instead of preventing the disadvantaged youth, it actually increased the arrests related to gang activity. It was suggested by Johnson and Muhlhausen [2005] that the following strategies must be used. First, they should foster stable neighborhoods. It is very important for the government to ensure the safety of the environment of the people. They know that an unstable neighborhood produces delinquent activities, thus by enforcing policies that could enable a more secure neighborhood will be of great help in reducing gang membership. Second, they need to reduce illegal immigration. We know for a fact that gangs were formed due to alienation and a sense of discrimination from the society. By requiring stricter requirements for labor and immigration, we are also ensuring the safety of these people and help the rise of gangs in the country. Third, there should be strategies to â€Å"deny time for gang activities†. Parents should be aware that they play a great role in forming the behavior of their children. They should help their children in avoiding being influenced by those groups by telling the possible dangers of gang membership. Fourth, there should also be an emphasis on the prevention on the individual. Counseling programs must be strengthened, helping students to overcome their family problems and encourage them to find happiness in other things, instead of resulting to drugs and violence. Last is to ensure that the suppression is a product of collaborative efforts of several different agencies. An enforcement of a policy will not be successful if people do not have a general consensus about it, or do not cooperate. Strategies must also be simultaneously be implemented in order to make the campaigns against gang violence to be systematic. We still have a long way to go in eliminating gang violence. However, if we start now at our own homes, we can prevent these children from being involved in such gang activities. There are various tools to assist them. We need to focus on the sustainability and effectiveness of those tools in order to ensure success. Bibliography Gang. (n. d. ). Encyclopedia of Childrens Health. Retrieved April 22, 2008, from Answers. com Web site: http://www. answers. com/topic/gang Howell, J. (2006). The Impact of Gangs on Communities. NYGC Bulletin. Retrieved April 22, from IIGC Website: www. iir. com/nygc/publications/NYGCbulletin_0806. pdf. Green, F. (1999). Street Gangs in School. Retrieved April 20, 2008 at Keys to Safer Schools Website: http://www. keystosaferschools. com/Newsletter%20Vol. %208%20pg%203. htm. Safe Youth. (2007). Gangs fact sheet. Retrieved April 20, 2008 at National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center Website: http://www. safeyouth. org/scripts/facts/gangs. asp. Burnett, G. and G. Walz. (1994). Gangs in the Schools. Retrieved April 20, 2008 at Eric Digests Website: http://www. ericdigests. org/1995-1/gangs. htm. Johnson, S. and D. Muhlhausen. (2005). North American Transnational Youth Gangs: Breaking the Chain of Violence. Retrieved April 20, 2008 at Heritage Website: http://www. heritage. org/research/urbanissues/bg1834. cfm.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The world is too much with us Essay -- Literary Analysis, Wordsworth

During the industrial revolution of England, humans engaged in monotonous work and lost harmonious unity with nature. In the nineteenth century, when the poet William Wordsworth wrote his sonnet â€Å"The world is too much with us,† the aspects of industrialized society had changed a factory worker’s life, leaving no time or the desire to enjoy and take part in nature. In his Petrarchan sonnet, Wordsworth criticizes humans for losing their hearts to materialism and longs for a world where nature is divine. In the first four lines, Wordsworth angrily addresses the theme of the sonnet, which is that the modern industrialized age has lost connection with nature. He states that humans are doing too much to the world. In the past and recently, humans have been using their powers of choice to choose to destroy nature. They have also been engaging in monotonous activities such as â€Å"getting and spending† (2). The parallel structure â€Å"late and soon† (1) and â€Å"getting and spending† (2) is an example of how mankind’s actions are progressively worsening over time. The suffix –ing adds a monotonous tone to the activities of â€Å"getting and spending† (2). The caesura in line 1 after the word â€Å"us† (1) gives the reader a chance to feel and reflect upon the weight of the world that is resting on humanity’s shoulders. â€Å"Too† (1) and â€Å"soon† (1) have a long â€Å"oo† sound, which suggests that the expl oitation of nature had been occurring for a long time before Wordsworth wrote this sonnet. Humanity’s â€Å"powers† (2) have gone to â€Å"waste† (2), which in this context means that they have been destroyed. However, another connotation for the word â€Å"waste† (2) is a barren, uninhabited wilderness, so the power that humans have to destroy nature reduces lush forests to barre... ...e cannot be destroyed, unlike Wordsworth, who has lost all hope in reviving nature. Hopkins also believes that the Christian God is great, whereas Wordsworth scorns the Christian God and wishes that society would believe in pagan gods instead. These beliefs are drastically different due to Hopkins’ optimism for the future of humanity and Wordsworth’s pessimism. While Wordsworth is â€Å"forlorn† (12), Hopkins believes that â€Å"nature is never spent† (9). Even though man has â€Å"trod† (5) all over nature and exploited it for man’s own economic gain, Hopkins believes that there is always â€Å"freshness† (10) within everything that will burst to life once more with â€Å"bright wings† (14). The only way to truly be in harmony with nature is to accept it for what it is and to try not to have an optimistic or pessimistic view about it – instead, one should view the results in due course. The world is too much with us Essay -- Literary Analysis, Wordsworth During the industrial revolution of England, humans engaged in monotonous work and lost harmonious unity with nature. In the nineteenth century, when the poet William Wordsworth wrote his sonnet â€Å"The world is too much with us,† the aspects of industrialized society had changed a factory worker’s life, leaving no time or the desire to enjoy and take part in nature. In his Petrarchan sonnet, Wordsworth criticizes humans for losing their hearts to materialism and longs for a world where nature is divine. In the first four lines, Wordsworth angrily addresses the theme of the sonnet, which is that the modern industrialized age has lost connection with nature. He states that humans are doing too much to the world. In the past and recently, humans have been using their powers of choice to choose to destroy nature. They have also been engaging in monotonous activities such as â€Å"getting and spending† (2). The parallel structure â€Å"late and soon† (1) and â€Å"getting and spending† (2) is an example of how mankind’s actions are progressively worsening over time. The suffix –ing adds a monotonous tone to the activities of â€Å"getting and spending† (2). The caesura in line 1 after the word â€Å"us† (1) gives the reader a chance to feel and reflect upon the weight of the world that is resting on humanity’s shoulders. â€Å"Too† (1) and â€Å"soon† (1) have a long â€Å"oo† sound, which suggests that the expl oitation of nature had been occurring for a long time before Wordsworth wrote this sonnet. Humanity’s â€Å"powers† (2) have gone to â€Å"waste† (2), which in this context means that they have been destroyed. However, another connotation for the word â€Å"waste† (2) is a barren, uninhabited wilderness, so the power that humans have to destroy nature reduces lush forests to barre... ...e cannot be destroyed, unlike Wordsworth, who has lost all hope in reviving nature. Hopkins also believes that the Christian God is great, whereas Wordsworth scorns the Christian God and wishes that society would believe in pagan gods instead. These beliefs are drastically different due to Hopkins’ optimism for the future of humanity and Wordsworth’s pessimism. While Wordsworth is â€Å"forlorn† (12), Hopkins believes that â€Å"nature is never spent† (9). Even though man has â€Å"trod† (5) all over nature and exploited it for man’s own economic gain, Hopkins believes that there is always â€Å"freshness† (10) within everything that will burst to life once more with â€Å"bright wings† (14). The only way to truly be in harmony with nature is to accept it for what it is and to try not to have an optimistic or pessimistic view about it – instead, one should view the results in due course.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Cause and Effect Essay

Internet technology has created a hindrance in people’s lives. First the use of technology creates nothing but a distraction. In the article â€Å"Is Technology Making Us intimate Strangers? †, Jonathan Coleman says , â€Å" If someone hasn’t left us a phone message or fax, there is always the chance that an e-mail awaits. I can’t even finish this essay without checking- three times already- to see if another one came through. † This is completely true, in the tome it took me to quote that, I stopped and checked my phone twice. Another example of technology being a distraction is by talking on the phone or checking a text message which can be a distraction as well as deadly. Secondly how the use of technology enables people to have privacy. It’s crazy how jobs, schools or anyone that wants to know anything about a person can easily find out through the use of internet technology. Example of that is through a social network. If someone wants to know where a person lives, where they go to school, or what they are doing, they could find out with the touch of a finger, stripping people from any sort of privacy. Finally social interaction, Jonathan Coleman states â€Å"Technology, for the most part, creates the illusion of intimacy. As marvelous as it can be, it also foils us. It keeps us from the best of ourselves and enables us to avoid others. It makes us into intimate strangers. † A prime example of that is the use of internet dating, technology takes away the term dating, getting out knowing somebody, to have a face to face conversation. Instead we stay indoors with our computers or any sort of technology talking to our computer loves.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Famu Personal Statement

â€Å"You don't have to be a â€Å"person of influence† to be influential. In fact, the most influential people in my life are probably not even aware of the things they've taught me. † – Scott Adams. I believe that the one person that has the most influence in shaping my life is my grandmother. She has taught me how to be independent and courageous. Many people say that I am a lot like my grandmother because she and I both have very similar personalities and characteristics.By spending majority of my time with my grandmother, I have realized that she is very influential to my life. Mrs. Rubena Rose-Anderson was born in Palmers Cross, Clarendon, Jamaica to a poverty-stricken family. Because she was one of 11 children, my grandmother was forced to grow up at an early age. At the age of 16, her father became ill with cancer and her mother passed away a year later. She then was seen as the mother figure of her younger siblings. After she married my grandfather, Silb urn Anderson, in 1967 they then had 3 children.In 1979, she made an incredible decision by leaving her three children and husband behind in order to receive better opportunities here in America. Once she had a steady job and enough money, she was reunited with her husband and children in 1981. I admire my grandmother greatly and she has influenced  me making me a very determined person. This sacrifice taught me that sometimes in life we as people have to make very challenging choices in order to receive the best long term results.Growing up, she always reminded me to think for the future and not just in the now. She has also taught me to become independent. By being forced to be a mother figure at the young age of 17, she had to learn how to everything on her own, raise 10 children, and take care of her ill father. This is the reason why I always try my hardest to get the best out of life. I feel that I should always take advantage of every great opportunity. If my grandmother cou ld accomplish so much throughout her life then I should be able to do the same if not more.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Modern European Economics essays

Modern European Economics essays German Reunification- On October 1989 the East German government was in crisis. President Honecker resigned, and his successor, Egon Krenz, promised to give Germany a reform. November 9, it was decided that the Berlin wall no longer served as a function, and east and west Germans attacked the wall tearing it down, as a result, they formed a union, stabilizing social and economic structures. The financial systems merged, and economic problems out grew from this change. The cost of providing goods and services between the east and the west caused strain, and money loss, which would result in economic recession. This caused cutting of social services, increased taxes, and reducing government subsides. A positive economic result from unification was the increased competitiveness of German economy, brought by the increasing market of consumer products. Collapse of the Soviet Union- The USSR collapsed in 1991 causing it to become an independent nation. The progressing problems of the new government caused an exceptional time of economic crisis that effected Russia and putting it in a much worse state in which it had been in an economic decline since the 1970s . It suffered foreign reserves which impaired the countries ability to import goods. Shock therapy program- Prime Minister Yeltsins economic reform for Russia which included freeing prices, and removing legal barriers to private trade and manufacture. This government form was hard to implement in Russia, even though it freed most prices, it still maintained controls on the prices of certain basic consumer goods and key economic inputs. Maastricht Treaty- Agreement that put the European Union as successor to the European Community. It introduced a central banking system, and common currency. It also worked toward establishing a common foreign and security policy. The treaty was signed in 1991, it was ratified and later took effect ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Essay about Alive, but Without Life

Essay about Alive, but Without Life Essay about Alive, but Without Life Alive, but without life Alzheimer’s The Silent Disease Abstract The purpose of this paper is to describe Alzheimer’s disease and the affects it has on humans. Alzheimer’s is a sad deadly disease that aged people fear of having. Sadly more than half the population in humans 75 and old have it in one form or another. There are other types if memory disease, however, this paper is only going to cover Alzheimer’s disease. This disease is the fifth leading cause of death in elderly people. However, there is no cure and no ways on know exactly what causes Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease is a disease that affects the behavior, thought process and the memory of older people. A German Doctor named DR. Alois Alzheimer, discovered Alzheimer’s by observing a patient and her reaction to certain things. This patient died after years of degenerating memory problems, confusion and difficulty understanding questions. After her death Dr. Alzheimer’s performed an autopsy, his finding were very inconclusive. He found dense deposits around the nerve cells he called this neuritic plaques. Inside the nerve cell, he discovered twisted bands of fibers called neurifibrillary tangles. Neuritic plaques are the pieces or protein and other matter that surround the neuron. The neurifibrillary tangles are protein build up inside the neuron. These two work together to disrupt the brain normal function and increases when someone has AD. Our brain have these two things in them to begin with, they just have more with AD. Sadly, Alzheimer’s disease is none to be the fifth leading cause of death in people 65 and older. After his discovery in 1906, of this usual disease Dr. Alzheimer’s studied AD until his death in 1915. He had no idea that this discovery would bear his name a few years after his death. At the time of his discovery, Dr. Alzheimer thought an organic matter caused the disorder. However, to this day the cause of AD is still unknown. Dr. Alzheimer died December 19, 1915 of tonsillitis, which resulted in him getting nephritis. While alive, he published multiply papers on dementia and the different kinds and there affects to the human brain. Since its discoverer y, there have been many breakthroughs, like the discovery of a link between cognitive decline and the number of plagues and tangles in the brain. In the 1960’s, when this discovery was made about the cognitive decline, the medical board recognized that is was not a normal part of aging and that something had to be done to cure it. Since then AD has have a large increase of attention into the nerve cells in the human brain. Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive disease that gets worse over time, until the person dies. In many cases, AD is actually the cause of death or the reaction to causing the person to get another illness.AD is a leading cause of pneumonia in people 85 and older, because they forget to keep themselves up (like taking their medications) and they sometime forget to swallow the mucus inside them causing pneumonia. As with the rest of our bodies our brain has to change to adapt to the changes we go through during life. AD leads to nerve cell and tissue loss threw out the whole brain. Over time, the brain of someone with AD shrinks causing it to loss normal functioning. In today’s research, there have been many discoveries of there being stages that come along with AD. Researchers have discovered there are ten stages of AD. Stage one being the stage where someone starts to have a greater a mount of memory loss that may disrupt his or her daily lives. The most common side effect in the beginning is forgetting things they just learned. In the second stage, people start to have problems with problem solving and planning things. People with AD may start to notice the little things like not being able to follow a plan or even work out problems with numbers; there concentration seems to decrease in this stage. The third stage gets to

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Improve Grades with These Study Group Ideas

Improve Grades with These Study Group Ideas Many students get more out of study time when they study with a group. Group study can improve your grades, because group work  gives you more opportunity for comparing class notes and brainstorming potential test questions. If you are facing a big exam, you should try studying with a group. Use these tips to make the most of your time. If you cant get together face-to-face, you can create an online study group, too. Exchange contact information. Students should exchange email addresses, Facebook  info, and phone numbers, so everyone can be contacted to help the others. Find meeting times that work for everybody. The bigger the group, the more effective the study time will be. If necessary, you could assign two times a day, and those who show up each scheduled time can study together. Everybody bring a question. Each member of the study group should write and bring a test question and quiz the other group members. Hold a discussion about the quiz questions you bring. Discuss the questions and see if everyone agrees. Compare class notes and textbooks to find answers. Create fill-in and essay questions for more impact. Divide a pack of blank note cards and have everyone write a fill-in or essay question. In your study session, swap cards several time so everyone can study each question. Discuss your results. Make sure each member contributes. Nobody wants to deal with a slacker, so dont be one! You can avoid this by having a conversation and agreeing to commit on the first day. Communication is a wonderful thing! Try communicating via Google Docs or Facebook. There are lots of ways you can study without actually gathering together, if necessary. Its possible to quiz one another online.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Fashion is never still, it constantly changes and evolves Essay

Fashion is never still, it constantly changes and evolves - Essay Example The essay "Fashion is never still, it constantly changes and evolves" investigates the notion of fashion. Fashion can be applied to many fields of human activity, for example, art, music, theatre, politics, economy, architecture –and it is not the complete list. In the past the term fashion when used in terms of clothes implied the generic style for everyone who wanted to be fashionable. Nowadays the things have changed completely – clothes are no longer the manifestation of equality with others. Choosing one’s style in fashion is the way to express oneself, to express the mood or in most cases to distinguish oneself. So, today, to be fashionable means to have your own creative fashion but not to stick to the trend of the season. People all over the world may choose from the variety of styles: to be a got or to wear romantic clothes, to have a business style or extravagant – everything is fashionable nowadays. However, fashion originates somewhere and seve ral great minds decide upon the trends of the coming season. These decisions come from the Fashion Weeks where the prominent fashion designers demonstrate their vision of seasonal trends. The most popular collections dictate fashion to the rest of the world. However, fashion can spread and in another way - via celebrities. Seeing a famous person in unusual clothes or with extravagant hairdo or make up, thousands of fans start copying him/her. Fashion varies tremendously not only in time, but also in class, income, nationalities ad world views.

Quality tools Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Quality tools - Research Paper Example To begin with, this model is a self-assessment framework (Benjamin, 2006). It is mainly used for evaluating strengths in an organization and it is used for assessing or measuring areas for improvement in an organization. This process cuts across every activity that the organization engages in. Excellence is a term used to emphasize on the focal point of the model. This model mainly targets to analyze the things that an organization does. These activities are the efforts that an organization in question may employ to provide excellent services and products to the market or to its customers. It originated from the private sector, but it is a model that all organizations; public, voluntary and every other organization can apply to improve its performance in terms of products and services. Studies designate that this classical is non-prescriptive; this means there are no strict rules set out to be followed in order to achieve quality results. It employees broad and coherent set of assump tions that reveals what the organization and the management needs to do to make up a good and reputable organization. Because of its simplicity, every organization can use its own methods to manage and create improvements. This calls for internal use of methods in assumptions rather than the use of external evaluators. The excellence model starts with the customer, outcomes, people outcomes, and society outcomes, it is suggested that his important results are achieved through leadership driven policy strategy. It is revealed that people, resource leading and partnership form the key to excellence in terms of performance and results. The figure above shows the various criteria and their interrelation. It also gives the two broad categories: the enabler and the results. The model is used on nine important criteria to achieve results. This are used to cover all actions of the society and the ideas are in two types; enabler and results. Through the enabler standards, this is alarmed wit h how the organization demeanors itself: how it manages its capitals and its employees. This also gives information about how the organization lays out its strategies by reviewing its key process (Hansen, 2010). The key process is people, leadership, procedures, companies, incomes and every model aims to accomplish outcomes. The results are revealed after employing this model are the results of the quality tool use. The results involve the level of gratification among the employees, clients, and the impact on the larger community, while touching on the functioning signs. The organization more often begins by gathering evidence or relevant information about every criterion. For instance, questions may be direct to ask how good the organization is and the variation goes from one organization to another. There many benefits realized when EFQM is employed in an organization to improve quality. Firstly, excellent model provides a clear analysis of an organization`s activities, which beco mes useful for planning through links between the results and what the organization does. Through this model, it is possible to instill an organizational culture of continuous improvement. In addition, the model is a holistic framework addresses a wide range of organizational quality issues in a thorough manner

Friday, October 18, 2019

Pierre-Auguste Renoir - Dance at Bougival Essay

Pierre-Auguste Renoir - Dance at Bougival - Essay Example The essay "Pierre-Auguste Renoir - Dance at Bougival" analyzes Pierre-Auguste Renoir's painting called Dance at Bougival. The â€Å"Dance at Bougivel† painting has two emotions in it, perplexed by the use of different colors and the impressions on the faces of characters present on it. There is a gentleman in a classic-blue old suit and a yellow hat that is holding a lady and they seem to dancing to the tune of a classic song. The man is faces her lady in a romantic way trying to create an impression on her while she does not face him directly. It created a kind of romanticism that is not different from what we know today; the extent a person goes to create an impression to his lover, but she is reluctant to reciprocate her feelings to him until she is sure that she is â€Å"safe†. The two lovers are clad in a manner that suggests that this dance was a special moment for them, a date. One may wonder what was in the mind of Paul Durand-Ruel when he finished this piece of art. Literature reveals that Ruel paid attention to impressionism. He dedicated his art to creating paints which portrayed passion and which, has influenced the modern way of life. During the year 1883, Ruel is said that he used his work to illuminate the experiences he had encountered in romance. His passion for art began when he inherited art gallery that was founded by his parents. Paul Durand-Ruel was born 1831 and died in 1922. Paul developed an interest in painting and he invested in promoting the work of the young artists.

- Text The Handmaids Tale (Atwood) What is the purpose of morality Essay

- Text The Handmaids Tale (Atwood) What is the purpose of morality What are the pros and cons What is morality - Essay Example Whether it results in the reinstatement of moral values to the creation of a better world is the matter of concern here. Based on the principle that â€Å"no society ever strays completely far from its roots† (Curious Pursuits, 91), Atwood has created a future society reviving the trends and practices of the Nineteenth Century Puritanism. The novel, which is the outcome of composite factors like vast and thorough reading of history, extensive travel, first hand experiences of real despotisms and experience acquired through a membership in the Amnesty International, perpetrates the author’s conviction that totalitarian regimes breed fear and silence. In such an atmosphere, morality is also a degenerative instrument of torture at the hands of the dictators. Morality, when enforced, becomes nothing but oppression and invariably fails to serve its purpose. The term morality implies the ability to discern right, good and virtue from their counterparts. Human beings are endowed with the ability to rationalize and the free will to face crucial situations in life demanding the exercise of these faculties. Every society has its set of standards in morality, so also each individual. Various factors like cultural parameters, contemporary trends and individual preferences play vital roles in deciding and setting up these standards. The revival of Puritanism in the novel, with its dictatorial enforcement of standards of living pose an outrageous, dismal and despicable picture of an impending possibility fulfilling a dystopia’s mission of warning the world. The simulated American theocracy in the novel is patterned after the Old Testament standards. In the imaginary nation ‘The Republic of Gilead’ which is the United States of America in the distant future, women are withdrawn from the public spheres and are categorized according to the duties they

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 16

Accounting - Essay Example First, there are numerous advantages of using marginal costing over absorption costing. It is easier to carry out the control and determination of production costs. This is through the management avoiding the arbitrary allocation of the fixed overhead costs thus having an achievement and maintenance of a uniform and marginal cost that is consistent (BANERJEE, 2006). Second, marginal costing helps in planning for short-term profit. This is through the easy demonstrations using the break-even charts and profit graphs. Unlike the absorption costing, comparative profitability can easily be assessed and hence be brought to the notice of the management so that there is decision making (Avis, 2009). Third, with the implementation of marginal costing, there is ready appreciation and assessment of the effects of the production policies and alternative sales. This ensures that there will be maximum yield to the business due to the decisions arrived. This gives it a notch higher than in using absorption costing (V., 2010). The method eliminates any large balances that are left in the overhead control accounts. This thus indicates that there is a difficulty in ascertaining the accurate recovery rate of overheads. With the elimination, it becomes easier to determine the accurate overhead rate of recovery (Drury, 2007). On the other hand, there are the disadvantages of using marginal costing over the absorption costing technique. First, there is difficulty in separating costs into the fixed and variable costs. This is because, in the long run, all costs are variable. Such classification may sometimes lead to misleading results to the cyber firm (Hill, 2012). Second, under the marginal costing, stocks and the work in progress are usually understated. The exclusion of fixed costs, especially from the inventory, affects the profit. With this, the true and fair view of the

Video news release Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Video news release - Essay Example Through undertaking a survey of 77 television stations that broadcasts to 50% of the USA population, the CMD found that there were 36 video news release that were aired by these television stations incorporated and disguised as part of their own news, without disclosing to the audience the authentic source of the video news (). However, the major problem associated with the video news release is that the television stations that broadcasts these types of news fails to balance the clients news with their own independently researched footages, so as to present to the clients the actual status of the clients. More than 75% of the USA adult population depended on television news to be informed on what is happening around the world. Therefore, the television news that is aired on a daily basis has a great influence on the ability of the people to evaluate everything, ranging from consumer products to government policies (). The government has also been known for contributing the highest p ercentage of video news release that are aired by the television news, while political parties and other politically-based organizations are keen to broadcast their opinions to the public though the use of the video news release. There has been a recent controversy over the state of the video news release being incorporated within the normal news broadcast by televisions to the public, but the controversial debate has not deterred the television stations from continued airing of the fake news (). The controversy has led the U.S. Federal Communications Commission to investigate the conduct of the television stations that incorporates corporate clients or the government released video news release as their own news. This resulted to the issuance of the FCCs April 2005 Public Notice, which provided that the television stations must always disclose the sources of their news

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 16

Accounting - Essay Example First, there are numerous advantages of using marginal costing over absorption costing. It is easier to carry out the control and determination of production costs. This is through the management avoiding the arbitrary allocation of the fixed overhead costs thus having an achievement and maintenance of a uniform and marginal cost that is consistent (BANERJEE, 2006). Second, marginal costing helps in planning for short-term profit. This is through the easy demonstrations using the break-even charts and profit graphs. Unlike the absorption costing, comparative profitability can easily be assessed and hence be brought to the notice of the management so that there is decision making (Avis, 2009). Third, with the implementation of marginal costing, there is ready appreciation and assessment of the effects of the production policies and alternative sales. This ensures that there will be maximum yield to the business due to the decisions arrived. This gives it a notch higher than in using absorption costing (V., 2010). The method eliminates any large balances that are left in the overhead control accounts. This thus indicates that there is a difficulty in ascertaining the accurate recovery rate of overheads. With the elimination, it becomes easier to determine the accurate overhead rate of recovery (Drury, 2007). On the other hand, there are the disadvantages of using marginal costing over the absorption costing technique. First, there is difficulty in separating costs into the fixed and variable costs. This is because, in the long run, all costs are variable. Such classification may sometimes lead to misleading results to the cyber firm (Hill, 2012). Second, under the marginal costing, stocks and the work in progress are usually understated. The exclusion of fixed costs, especially from the inventory, affects the profit. With this, the true and fair view of the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Answering quistions regarding to the personal statment Essay

Answering quistions regarding to the personal statment - Essay Example In view of this self-awareness would give me the impetus for being employed since I would be able to properly articulate my knowledge ability and skills set to prospective employers succinctly without stuttering. From the feedback, I have learnt that my communication skills, especially in giving specific details about me are quite poor and therefore need to be improved greatly to give the right impression to prospective employers. I have also learnt that I have a great potential in me of being an effective communicator by concentrating on the major issues through pin pointing the specifics of the issues I am talking about rather than applying generalizations. Another important lesson from the feedback is that there is urgent need for me to do a thorough research of the specificities of the practical nature and varieties of possible job openings in my field of specialization and their specific entry requirements. In relation to my key strengths, I would have indicated that as an electrical and electronics engineer, my personal organization skills would be helpful in prioritization of tasks allowing free flow of operations that my work supports. Responsibilities in electrical and electronics engineering involve the application of diagnostic expertise and tests for identifying and determining the sources of electrical faults and interpreting the error codes and in-built indicators of faults. Other crucial tasks involve design transformation into actual outcomes. . These tasks require high level of organization and keenness. My ability to handle pressure would enable me deal with situations like total collapse of systems quickly without any delays, to restore maximum performance of systems in the shortest time possible. I will achieve this through quick and accurate interpretation of circuit diagrams. My high standards of excellence would be instrumental in accurately analyzing information in

Monday, October 14, 2019

Wild Horse Round-Up in Nevada Essay Example for Free

Wild Horse Round-Up in Nevada Essay The rounding up wild horses and leading them to their new destination, howbeit, for the slaughter or sales, has created a rift of an US (i.e. particularly; citizens of Nevada) and THEM (i.e. Federal Government, BLM) mentality. The animal activist is citing cruelty to animals and stifling the â€Å"First Amendment, Freedom of the Press†, on the part of BLM. The following article was quoted from USA Today: [A federal roundup of wild horses in Nevada was scheduled to resume Thursday and to continue through this weekend despite nearly two dozen animal deaths since it began. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) says three of the deaths were due to injury and 18 due to severe dehydration following a drought. Horse activist Laura Leigh, whose lawsuit put a temporary halt to the roundup July 14, blames the deaths on the BLM, which she says allowed the horses to become dehydrated and held the roundup during the hottest season of the year. This is foaling season, it could have been done earlier, it could have been done last fall, Leigh says. This is not following the mandate to manage and protect our horses. Its just wrong. She and other activists also complain that the BLM has blocked them from observing the roundups to control the flow of images and public opinion. The BLM will escort up to 20 members of the media and the public to observe roundup operation today and Saturday for the first time since the roundup began July 10. The BLM says the roundup of wild horses is a necessity because the mustang population is growing so fast that horses are running out of food and harming the native land and wildlife. Agency estimates show 38,000 mustangs and burros roam 10 Western states; half are in Nevada. Leigh and other activists say the agency is moving the animals to clear the way for livestock grazing and energy interests. Elliot Katz, founder of In Defense of Animals, which filed a separate lawsuit, says wild horses are a low priority nationally because they dont produce a profit. Theyre just in the way of corporations who have cattle interests or want to do mining, Katz says. Theres been a gradual continuing effort to get rid of them.] (Dorell, 7/29) BLM’s stands its ground by stating they are â€Å"required by law to balance the needs of multiple interests on public lands, including wild horses, wildlife, mining and livestock. Wild horses, which have few predators and double their population every four years, can damage habitat shared by endangered and threatened species such as the pygmy rabbit and the lahontan cutthroat trout, says Heather Emmons, a spokeswoman for the BLM in Nevada.† (Dorell, 7/29) One of the many law suits that have been filed comes out of New Mexico and has gone to the Supreme Court. KLEPPE v. NEW MEXICO, 426 U.S. 529 (1976)  426 U.S. 529 KLEPPE, SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR v. NEW MEXICO ET AL. APPEAL FROM THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF NEW MEXICO No. 74-1488. Argued March 23, 1976 Decided June 17, 1976 The Wild Free-roaming Horses and Burros Act (Act) was enacted to protect all unbranded and unclaimed horses and burros on public lands of the United States from capture, branding, harassment, or death, to accomplish which they are to be considered in the area where presently found, as an integral part of the natural system of the public lands. The Act provides that all such animals on the public lands administered by the Secretary of the Interior through the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) or by the Secretary of Agriculture through the Forest Service are committed to the jurisdiction of the respective Secretaries, who are directed to protect and manage [the animals] as components of the public lands . . . in a manner that is designed to achieve and maintain a thriving natural ecological balance on the public lands, and if the animals stray from those lands onto privately owned land, the private landowners may inform federal officials, who shall arrange to have the animals removed. Appellees, the State of New Mexico, its Livestock Board and director, and the purchaser of three unbranded burros seized by the Board (pursuant to the New Mexico Estray Law) on federal lands and sold at public auction, and whose return to public lands had been  demanded by the BLM, brought this suit for injunctive relief and for a declaratory judgment that the Act is unconstitutional. A three-judge District Court held the Act unconstitutional and enjoined its enforcement. Held: As applied to this case, the Act is a constitutional exercise of congressional power under the Property Clause of the Constitution, which provides that Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States. Art. IV, 3, cl. 2. Pp. 535-547. (FindLaw, June) (a) The Clause, in broad terms, empowers Congress to determine what are needful rules respecting the public lands, and there is no merit to appellees narrow reading that the provision [426 U.S. 529, 530] grants Congress power only to dispose of, to make incidental rules regarding the use of, and to protect federal property. Pp. 536-541. (FindLaw, June) (b) In arguing that the Act encroaches upon state sovereignty and that Congress can obtain exclusive legislative jurisdiction over the public lands in a State only by state consent (absent which it may not act contrary to state law), appellees have confused Congress derivative legislative power from a State pursuant to Art. I, 8, cl. 17, with Congress powers under the Property Clause. Pp. 541-546. (FindLaw, June) (c) The question of the Acts permissible reach under the Property Clause over private lands to protect wild free-roaming horses and burros that have strayed from public land need not be, and is not, decided in the context of this case. Pp. 546-547. (FindLaw, June) A law suit filed and made it to the U.S. Courts of Appeals, Federal Circuit was initiated from a rancher family of Fallini who states in the following law suit the cost of the wild horses to them personally: FALLINI v. UNITED STATES Susan L. FALLINI, and Joseph B. Fallini, Jr., in each of the following capacities:  as an individual person and successor to the interest of Helen Fallini as sole heir of Helene Fallini, deceased, executor of the last will of Helene Fallini, and Trustee of the Helene Fallini Living Trust and the  Helene Fallini Living Trust as the sole distributee of the last Will of Helene Fallini, Plaintiffs-Appellants, v. The UNITED STATES, Defendant-Appellee. No. 94-5110. June 08, 1995 Before MICHEL, LOURIE and BRYSON, Circuit Judges. William F. Schroeder, Vale, OR, argued for plaintiffs-appellants.   With him on the brief was William A. Schroeder, of Boise, ID.Peter A. Appel, Attorney, Environment and Natural Resources Div., Dept. of Justice, Washington, DC, argued for defendant-appellee.   With him on the brief were Lois J. Schiffer, Asst. Atty. Gen., John A. Bryson and Dorothy R. Burakreis, Attorneys.   Of counsel was Laura B. Brown, Office of the Sol., Dept. of the Interior, Washington, DC. James L. Huffman, Dean and Professor of Law Director, Natural Resources Law Institute, Northwestern School of Law, Lewis and Clark College, of Portland, OR, was on the brief for amicus curiae, Water for Life, Inc. (FindLaw, June) In this Fifth Amendment â€Å"takings† case, the Fallinis, who are engaged in cattle ranching in Nevada, argue that the federal government has taken personal property from them without compensation.   The Fallinis contend that the government affected a â€Å"taki ng† by requiring them to provide water to wild horses living in the area in which the Fallinis conducted their ranching activities. The Court of Federal Claims ruled against the Fallinis, concluding on motion for summary judgment that they had no property right that was taken by governmental action.  Fallini v. United States, 31 Fed.Cl. 53 (1994).   We conclude that their complaint was not filed within the applicable statute of limitations period and that the complaint should be dismissed on that ground. (FindLaw, June) The suit alleges the wild horses are costing their family approximately $1 million between 1971 and 1991 for the watering of the animals which they have not been allowed by the BLM to fence off the watering areas in such a way to grant cattle access by deny horses from accessing the water supply. In conclusion of the law suit filed by the Fallinis family states as follows: What the Fallinis may challenge under the Fourth Amendment is what the government has done, not what the horses have done. The only governmental action that could constitute a compensable  taking in this case is the governments directive forbidding the Fallinis from shooing the horses away from the water that the Fallinis have produced at their developed water sources.   That governmental action cannot be regarded as recurring with every new drink taken by every wild horse, even though the consumption of water by the wild horses imposes a continuing economic burden on the Fallinis. See Delaware State College v. Ricks, 449 U.S. 250, 258, 101 S.Ct. 498, 504, 66 L.Ed.2d 431 (1980) (proper focus, for statute of limitations purposes, â€Å"is upon the time of the [defendants] acts, not upon the time at which the consequences of the acts became most painful†).   Because the Fallinis identify the enactment of the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act as the governmental action that prevented them from fencing the horses away from their water sources, and because they admit that they suffered injury from the date of enactment, their claim must be regarded as accruing long before they filed their present suit. (FindLaw, June) III Based on our analysis of the Fallinis takings claim, we conclude that their claim was time-barred.   We therefore vacate the judgment and remand this case to the Court of Federal Claims with instructions to dismiss the complaint as untimely. (FindLaw, June) Each party shall bear its own costs. VACATED AND REMANDED WITH INSTRUCTIONS BRYSON, Circuit Judge. (FindLaw, June) The round-up of the wild horses is complex with legitimate issues on all sides. I see four distinct (legitimate) sides in this fight. They is the BLM, the animal activist, the media, and the cattle ranchers. The BLM cites it has a legal responsibility to round them up for control of population and preservation of public lands, including wild horses, wildlife, mining and livestock. The animal activists cite cruelty on the method used by the BLM with the time of year the round-ups are conducted to how they are treated while in captivity. The Public News Media cites they are being denied the first amendment right to the â€Å"Freedom of the Press† by being restricted access during the round-ups. Lastly, there is the cattle rancher that is citing a Fourth Amendment violation by the seizure of the water without their permission. Somehow there needs to be a balance of the issue. In my  opinion, the Public News Media doesn’t have a say in the matter because they twist any issue for the selling of their news and that is why they are in the fight. The animal activist have no place in this matter either because they are not any different than the News Media. I see two main players that have a stake in the holdings. The BLM and the cattle ranchers. Those are the two entities that are directly affected by this ordeal. The BLM has to strike a delicate balance of their responsibilities to Federal and State Law and to accomplish this with disturbing anybody’s ZEN. The cattle ranchers are trying to make a living in an economy that is seeing less and less profit. References Dorell, O. (7/29/2010). Federal roundup of wild horses resumes in Nevada. Retrieved from http:// FindLaw. (June 08, 1995). United States Court of Appeals,Federal Circuit, FALLINI v. UNITED STATES. Retrieved from FindLaw. (June 17, 1976 Decided). U.S. Supreme Court, KLEPPE v. NEW MEXICO, 426 U.S. 529 (1976). Retrieved from

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Malaysias Economy Exports

Malaysias Economy Exports Malaysia Economy Exports Introduction Malaysia, the place called ‘Truly Asia’. It lies on the Southeastern Asian peninsula bordering Indonesia, Brunei, and the South China Sea. It’s filled with different Asian cultures from Malay, Chinese, Borneo and other indigenous groups. Having no or little issues about societal upheavals, corruptions and such being published in international media, Malaysia continues to be a puzzling country known for its present natural splendor as it continues to flourish as one of Asia’s leading countries. However, knowing its experiences that led to its present growth is what’s really interesting about this country. After gaining independence from Britain in 1957, it was noted that the Chinese was the chief force in Malaysia’s economy. In the 1960’s, Malaysia’s economy was dependent on exports of agricultural goods. During this period annual Gross Domestic Product increases on an average rate of 6 percent per year. Then in the late 1960’s racial pressure started and caused the creation of the New Economic Policy which aimed to ensure that by 1990’s at least 20% of the economy must be controlled by ethnic Malays. In the 1970’s, high deflation and mismanagement of government enterprise caused its economy to experience severe economic downturn. By 1985, recession having negative 1.2 percent GDP growth was experienced. As solution to the downfall of the economy, the government shifted its focus from the agriculture sector to the manufacturing sector. It liberalized foreign equity ownership from 10 to 20 percent in order to attract foreign investments. These efforts resulted to a success by achieving a positive GDP growth of 13.4 percent from 1986 to 1990. Although the country’s internal economic factors continued to be strong, its external economic factors affected it in a negative way. Huge capital outflows from the Malaysian economy and other South East Asian economies were hurt by the Asian crisis. From positive 7.7 percent Malaysia’s real growth rate in declined to negative 7.5 percent in 1998. Interest rate also increased from five percent to nine percent. Furthermore, inflation and the increase in unemployment from 2.4 percent to 3.2 percent caused poverty to boost from 6.1 percent in 1997 to 7 percent in 1998. In addition, the health sector was also affected due to the increase in the price of imported drugs which in turn also made it harder for the poor to afford medication. Despite its condition, Malaysia rejected IMF assistance and stabilized its money with the help of Bank Negara Malaysia, its Central Bank, through lowering exchange rates, interest rates, and government spending. Also, the government increased capital controls by halting, several mega projects and established the National Economic Action Council (NEAC). With all these efforts, the country achieved a positive annual growth rate of 5.4 per cent in 1999. Malaysias economy continued to surge despite all terrorist threats and health diseases such as the SARS. The Package of New Strategies was established in 2003 to generalize domestic sources of growth, promote private investment and strengthen the countrys competitiveness. In 2006, The Ninth Malaysia Plan was issued. This plan reiterates the target of lifting Malaysia’s economy to developed nation by 2020. After knowing all these facts, this paper will now discuss about the economic condition of Malaysia starting from the year 2002 to 2006. It will tackle the GDP’s contribution to growth and growth by sector, lending and inflation rate, money supply, trade and economic indicators and some movements of selected exports. Gross Domestic Product Contributions to Growth (Figure 2.24.1) Malaysia’s Gross Domestic Product was highest during the year 2004 with 7.2 percent. To further analyze the changes, the factors affecting the Gross Domestic Product would be discussed. First, consumption was analyzed in two separate types: Private Consumption and Public Consumption. From the figure, it could be seen that consumption is an unstable factor in their economy. Private consumption in 2002 was 2.0 percent and rose until it reached 4.9 percent in 2004. However it started to decrease in 2005 and by 2006 private consumption was only 3.5 percent. Private consumption in the last five years grew by an average of 3.58 percent. When in comes to Public consumption, 1.4 percent growth was attained in 2002. It grew by 0.2 percent by 2003 then started to fall and reached 0.8 percent in 2005. It picked up its pace and increased to 1.2 percent in 2006. The average Public consumption growth is 1.18 percent. It could be noted that private consumption became the largest GDP contributor in the years 2003 to 2006. The increased consumption is caused by the low interest which encouraged business investments and higher income for the household to dispose. This in turn generated income for the businesses which could eventually lead to expansionary means that would produce employment. Next, investments were also presented as two types namely Private and Public investments. Private investment started at a negative growth of 1.9 percent in 2002 then increased to positive 2.9 percent by 2004 and decreased to 1.3 percent in 2006. On the other hand, Public investments kept on fluctuating from positive 4.1 percent in 2002 it decreased to a negative growth in 2003 and 2005 until it sustained a positive 0.3 percent in 2006. As could be seen from the figures, public investments started as the largest GDP contributor in 2002 but kept on decreasing while Private investments tried to maintain its positive growth. The increase in private investments was due to a healthy business relationship achieved through the trust established in the economic plans such as the Ninth Malaysian Plan. With regards to the country’s net exports was negative during 2002, 2004 and 2006 with negative 1.3, 2.5 and 0.4 percent growth. In 2003 and 2005, positive 2.0 and 1.3 percent were obtained. Overall, Malaysia had the lowest GDP in 2002 with 4.4 percent growth and as said earlier, it achieved 7.2 percent growth in 2004 and ended with 5.9 percent growth by 2006. The highest contributor in the years 2002 to 2006 were public investments for 2002 and private consumption for the following years. From all these, it could be deduced that Malaysia’s GDP growth was reliant on private consumption. The problem is that as people consume more, they might not have enough to consume in the future therefore increasing the other factors in the GDP should also be done. Growth by Sectors (Figure 2.24.2) The growth it’s Agriculture, Industry and Services sectors, no one sector dominated the others by having a consistent increase per year. This might be caused by the shifts in the strength of production in such sectors. For instance in 2002, Services had the greatest contribution to their economy. However, by the Industrial sector increased by almost 70% in 2003 and continued to rise by 8.22% in 2004, causing it to contribute more to the GDP of the country. By 2005 and 2006, Industry decreased and as finance and trade businesses rose, Services became the largest contributor again. With these, total employment increased in 2006 by 2.5%. As could be noted Agriculture was the least competitive sector. This sector which has been very important to rural incomes and exports might have still been affected by the 1985 act of shifting focus away from the Agriculture sector. It only attained a 6.4% GDP contribution due to the increased prices of foreign crops. Inflation Rate and Money Supply There are 3 types of money monitored by the Central Bank in Malaysia namely M1, M2 and M3. M1 is narrow money, and M2 and M3 considered broad money. M1 is composed of private sector currency and demand deposits. M2 is M1 plus financial assets while M3 is M2 plus: fixed deposits of the private sector; net issues of NCD to the private sector and transactions effected by finance companies, merchant banks, discount houses, and Bank Islam. The adoption of the managed float enabled the central bank to gain flexibility with the money control in monetary policy. Through it they were no longer stalled with always having to off-set the increase in money supply with a substantial increase in money demand in order to keep the Ringgit fixed. In the past 5 years (Table A9), money supply has changed positively. This might have been through their imposed decrease in interest rate. In fact it reached its peak in 2004 by having a 25.4% increase in money supply. With regards to inflation, the Malaysian economy has been experiencing a low inflation (Table A8). Inflation has been under an increasing and decreasing trend per year. However, their rate is not worrisome since it’s still managed in low single digits. From 1.8 in 2002 it reached an inflation of 3.6 in 2006. This price increase has been mainly caused by the increase in fuel prices and electricity cost. In addition, the positive growth in money supply was also a factor in this inflation. It should be noted that despite the inflation consumption still increased because the actual increase in the prices did not hurt the consumers knowing that it was off-set by the strengthening economy or national income. Unemployment Rate The country’s unemployment was unstable. The rate did not increase to more than 3.0 figures (Table A6). In fact, from 3.5 in 2002, it decreased to 3.4 in 2006. This might have been greatly influenced by the sectors especially industry or manufacturing and the services sectors. This is one accomplishment of the macroeconomic objective of reducing unemployment. Further it could aid to an increase in national income through the reduction of the poverty situation in the country. Exchange Rate, Imports and Exports Due to the 1997/98, Bank Negara Malaysia decided to have a â€Å"currency peg† thus fixing the Ringgit exchange rate. As can be seen (Table A19) until 2005, the Ringgit was valued RM 3.8 to one U.S. dollar. Fixing the rate caused damages to the economy since their currency did not increase in value in response to the weakening economy of other countries such as the U.S. Also, although foreign investors might feel comfort in knowing that the exchange rate wouldn’t change most were also hindered from investing. This was because investors know that in time they would lose since the Ringgit does not have a chance to increase its value thus they would look for other profitable investments in other countries. It was a good thing that the Central Bank decided to shift to a managed float system. In 2006, Malaysian Ringgit appreciated to 3.6 per U.S Dollar. The managed float is more favorable for foreign investments since more profit would be attained by investors. It would be the Bank of Negara’s role to ensure control over short term variability and let the demand and supply factors to affect the long-run trends. The exports and imports of the country were not severely affected by the exchange rate knowing that it was still fixed during 2002-2005. Other factors affected the trade of the country. In 2002, 2004 and 2005 the growth in imports was more than that of the exports (Figure 2.24.5). Although the percentage growth of exports was less, surplus was still attained because the total amount of exports was more than the imports. This was attributable to the industrial sector’s contribution in electronics and the rising oil, gas and crops to be exported. Imports grew through the increased consumption of foreign goods. Government Revenues and Expenditures Government revenues were in a declining trend (Table A22). From 23.1 in 2002 it decreased to 22.1 in 2004 and ended at 21.7 in 2006.Likewise, government spending was also declining (Table A21). From 28.7 in 2002 it reached 26.4 in 2004 and 24.3 in 2006. This decrease in earnings might be bad for the government because they would have little funds to finance government programs. It was good that as the earnings decreased, the expenditures also decreased. This direct proportional trend would enable the country to not experience a great loss unlike those countries that tend to spend more although they have the knowledge that they are not earning much. The decrease in government expenditure could be attributed to the decrease in government borrowing as a result of the fiscal policy. The contractionary fiscal policy enabled the country to lower government spending to achieve a long term economic growth. In addition, increasing prices of exports was used as a compensating factor for expenditure’s effect on revenue. Revenue from these exports represents 37% of government revenue. Conclusions Malaysia could be an interesting topic for a lot of economic enthusiasts because of the cycle that it has gone through. Malaysia’s economy has undergone many changes. It started as a well-off economy until it experienced a lot of crises including the Asian crisis. This country is among the lucky ones who have been able to get back on its feet and improve its condition. The increased growth in the pattern of its GDP signifies the strength of their economy. It shows how their national income increases as being affected by the said factors. However, it should still continuously work on improving the condition of its net exports and investments because increasing consumption now could result to less consumable goods in the future. When it comes to the sectors, the performance has been good. The increased electronic productions, crop harvesting and service providing could boost their economy further. In addition, employment is greatly increased by these factors. Moreover, they have a fine control of their money supply. The positive increase in their money supply enables the increased consumption and decreased interest rates but higher inflation. Their inflation is not worrisome being stable at a low inflation figure. With their exchange rate, it has been a right move to shift to a managed rate instead of the pegged rate since more investments and profits would be generated from this. Factors other than the exchange rate have had more influence on imports and exports. Since their exports are still more than their imports its positive contribution to the national income could still be anticipated. Lastly, with regards to their government revenue and expenditure they should find ways in generating more revenue but increasing the spending at the same time because government spending is one of the main factors of national income. With all of these, it could be deduced that Malaysia has a chance of achieving more economic growth. However, the possibility of achieving the Ninth Malaysia Plan is still unfeasible. Although their economy is rising they should still consider more expansionary means of creating a long-run growth and produce realistic goals. This will enable them to catch up and become one of the developed countries. Sources =1Fmt=3VInst=PRODVType=PQDRQT=309VName=PQDTS=1193566062clientId=47883 Appendix 2.24.1 Contributions to growth (demand) Sources: Bank Negara Malaysia, available:, downloaded 28 February 2007; staff estimates. 2.24.2 GDP growth by sector Source: Bank Negara Malaysia, available:, downloaded 28 February 2007. 2.24.5 Trade indicators Sources: Bank Negara Malaysia, available:, downloaded 28 February 2007; staff estimates.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Inventor Project April 1, 1996 Albert Einstein :: essays research papers fc

Inventor Project April 1, 1996 Albert Einstein My name is Albert Einstein. I was born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Germany. I was not an inventor in the conventional sense. I was a physicist and theorist. My inventions were not tangible things, but ideas I put on paper and may later on have led to inventions. I was not a good student in school. I did not pay attention to teachers because I found their lectures and teachings boring. Often I would skip class to go study physics on my own. By the age of twelve I had taught myself Euclidean Geometry, and slowly beginning to develope my own theories in physics. My first theoretical paper was on Brownian motion. The paper discussed the significant predictions I made about particles that are randomly distributed in a fluid. My next paper was on the photoelectric effect, which contained a revolutionary hypothesis on the nature of light. I proposed that under certain circumstances light can be considered as consisting of particles, and I also hypothesized that energy carried by any light particle, called a photon, is proportional to the frequency of the radiation. The formula for this is E=hv, where E is the radiation, h is a universal constant known as Planck's constant, and v is the frequency of the radiation. This proposal, that the energy contained within a light beam is transferred by individual units, or quanta, contradicted the hundred year old tradition of considering light as a manifestation of continuous processes. My third and most impotant paper, "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies", contained what has become known as the special theory of relativity. Since the time of Sir Issac Newton, scientists had been trying to understand the nature of matter and radiation, and how they interacted in some unified world picture. The position that mechanical laws are fundamental has become known as the mechanical world view, and the position that electrical laws are fundamental has become known as the electromagnetic world view. Neither approach, however, is capable of providing a consistent explanation for the way radiation and matter interact when viewed from different inertial frames of reference, that is, an interaction viewed simultaneously by an observer at rest and an observer moving at unifrom speed. In the Spring of 1905 after considering these problems for ten years, I realized that the crux of the problem lay not in a theory of matter but in a theory of measuerment. At the heart of my special theory of relativity was the realization thet all measurements of time and space depend on judgments as to

Friday, October 11, 2019

Leadership and vision for future

The role of leadership in organization is really great. Success of company mostly depends on qualities of leader. A good leader is more than half of success. Much of literature on organizational change and leadership emphasizes the notion of selling an inspirational and aspirational vision to those at every level in the organization. Let’s try to examine the difficulties, which can face the leader when trying to sell an inspirational and aspirational vision for the future, taking into account that a vision needs to appeal to and be understood by people at every level of the organization. Leadership as a concept of classical management is ability to influence activity of individuals and groups of people in order to motivate them working for achievement of aims. Organization, which is successful, is different from other organizations mainly because it has more dynamic and effective management.   Successful organization is, first of all, a strategic vision for future, whereas leadership supposes vision of future and ability to propagate it as well as motivate people. So, we can see that an effective leadership and effective inspirational and aspirational vision for the future depends on skillful motivation of workers. Without any doubt, motivation should be different for different levels of workers. Vision – is the fourth component of â€Å"diamond leadership†. Leader combines both words of vision – external and internal (Heifitz, R., p.112). Components of vision are creativity and strategy. There is no magic in this process: it is quite difficult, sometimes wearisome process of collecting and analyzing of information. A person, who forms vision of company, is not a magician – he is a thoughtful strategist, who is able to risk. Vision is one of zones of leader’s intelligence, which demands constant development and perfection. To tell with other words, vision is a â€Å"description of the future that is attractive because it expresses the possibility of realizing values that are important to people† (Charles Pfeffer, p.2) Let’s see, what are the main problems and difficulties, leaders face during implementing of vision for the future in the companies. Model of future is not attractive (or it is difficult to understand). First of all, a leader should create an attractive vision of future. He has to work out a strategic plan, which will indicate the main stages of development. What is also very important, the vision should not be different of strategic aims of company. The vision should show, which values will be achieved during implementation process. All workers should realize importance of working together and should understand the aims of company. Moreover, they have to understand and to share your vision. Don’t forget that people are different and you have to work with them depending on their skills, abilities and status. A good model is like a house made of cards – each card should occupy its position; when one card will fall down, it ruins the whole building. The same problem is in the company: all the workers should understand the aims of organization and its vision for the future. When a worker doesn’t understand the aim, he will not work effectively. Insufficient communication with workers. A good leader develops vision for the future by speaking. A good base for effective work is trust and good relations. When a leader explained to all workers, what he expects from them, he has to be opened for everybody to check results of fulfillment. You should be more open to the workers. The effective communication favors solving different kinds of problems before they become more serious. Paola Gamonal notes that you should â€Å"raise the comfort level, make sure they know questions are always OK, your door is always (or at predictable intervals) open, and be willing to look at drafts and give feedback† (Paola Gamonal, p.3) Bad motivation. Actually, I suppose that this is the most important problem when trying to sell an inspirational and aspirational vision for the future. I think that motivation, ability to develop your qualities, ability to be responsible, readiness to make all efforts to achieve aims of company – all these qualities already are present in people; management cannot give those qualities to people. So, a good manager/leader is obliged to help people to realize and develop all those human qualities. A leader should be able to create such conditions in organization and to use such methods of work to help people to achieve their own aims only in case they make efforts in achievement of aims of organization. Even from economical point of view, people are considered as extremely expensive working resource, so they should be used with maximum effectiveness. For example, when a person gets a new job, he tries to make all efforts to develop himself from the best side. When he doesn’t receive possibility to feel himself necessary, an independent worker, he becomes disappointed in his work. As a consequence, he doesn’t focus attention on quality of work, and doesn’t work effectively for achievement of main aims of his company. This is also one of mistakes, which should be avoided. So, a good leader should estimate potential possibilities of a worker, giving him a chance to realize himself. In such a way, a leader should understand importance of ideal work for each definite worker. Such ‘ideal work’ should have: a) integrity (it means, it should bring to some definite result); b) should be considered as important and which has to be fulfilled (John P Kottler, p.115); c) should give possibility to worker to take decisions, necessary for its fulfillment (i.e. there should be a kind of autonomy, but within definite limits), – or group autonomy; d) should provide double-side connection with worker, should be estimated depending of effectiveness of his work and should bring to him fair remuneration. When you plan work in accordance with these principles, it provides a worker with internal satisfaction. It is very effective motivating factor, because it stimulates qualitative fulfillment of work and stimulates a worker to fulfill more difficult work, which leads to increase of effectiveness in particular and increase of effectiveness of work in the whole company as well. So, summarizing my position, a good leader should be able to provide his organization with effective model of vision for the future. The future of company depends on effective vision. There are some difficulties leader should take into account during selling an inspirational and aspirational vision for the future, which depend on external and internal factors. Those factors include communication with workers, bad or insufficient motivation; inability to explain the vision for the future, to determine main factors and ideas of success, presenting attractive vision, to explain that important aims can be realized, to declare new possibilities. Leaders also face difficulties in speaking in ways that engage workers, to understand what is your audience and react accordingly (people are different and you should be aware that methods, which work for top managerial, doesn’t work for executives, etc). Focusing attention on those difficulties will allow you avoiding a number of problems and will help you company to be more effective. Works Cited: 1.Leadership, Vision and Shared-mental Modeling by Ch. Pfeffer 2.   Vision – Or, Who's Looking Out The Windshield? by P. Gamonal (c) Ravenwerks Website 2003 3.Leadership Without Easy Answers, by Heifitz, R., Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1994 4.Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail in Harvard Business Review by John P Kottler, Business Classics: Fifteen Key Concepts for Managerial Success. Harvard Business School Publishing Crop 1998 Â