Friday, May 31, 2019

Plagiarism: The Illegal Recycling of Information Essay -- Plagiarizing

Plagiarism The Illegal Recycling of Information Plagiarism is defined as using others peoples ideas, writings, and quotes without bighearted credit to the author by citing the material in the paper. Plagiarism bottom come from copying many things including charts, graphs, text, and music. Even paraphrasing an authors work without citing it can be considered plagiarism. Plagiarism certainly has been around keen-sighted before the first research project was assigned. One of the most famous scientists Gregor Mendel had his work plagiarized by another scientist Hugo de Vries in the 19th century.1 Mendel had come up with breakthroughs in genetics, but no one realized what he had accomplished. Later in the early 1900s, de Vries published a paper with very similar to Medels work. It was not realized until a third scientist Carl Correns was doing some similar experiments and read the works of both Mendel and de Vries. In his paper, he gave credit to Mendel and discredi ted de Vries work.2 The problem of plagiarism has increased drastically over the years with all of the new electronic sources. Now, all that the student has to do is to copy an article, highlight it and paste it into a word processing program. It was not much harder for a student to plagiarize before the Internet. A lazy student could easily copy an entire section out of a book word for word and conveniently forget to cite the reference from which it came. It would take the professor forever to find this source especially if it was not well known. With just some quick manipulating of words, professors can be tricked into believing that they are looking at a new original work. There are several reasons why students... ... forced to stop selling term papers over the Internet. As long as professors stand strong in their fight against this illegal recycling of information, plagiarism will be cut down. 1More, Randy. Rediscovery of Mendels Work. Biosc ene, 27. 16-20.2More, Randy. Rediscovery of Mendels Work. Bioscene, 27. 16-20.3http//, www.plagiarism.org15www.plagiarism.

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